Because we all need Snips, Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails in our lives.

Welcome one and all, to the best neocities site on the web! Nah, just playing. This website is NOT associated with, despite both being RowdyRuff FANATICS!
This site is RUN BY BRICK! Not the cartoon one, obviously.

Powerpuff Girls - Blossom, Buttercup, Bubbles

You may just be the luckiest boy, girl, or whatever you are in the world. Do you want to learn more about the Rowdyruff boys, or just indulge in a bunch of meaningless fandom shit. THEN COME ON IN! Go below this paragraph!


The RowdyRuff Boys are 3 little boys, created to thwart the Powerpuff Girls good deeds and niceness! Eyuck! They were created by Mojo Jojo, though they have no canonical birthdate, it is assumed that they were birthed on the date of the episode airing, which would be April 7th 1999 (their 24th anniversary is coming up!).
Their creation went something like this... Mojo in prison took snips of armpit hair from a fellow prisoner, a snail from the ground, and a puppy dog tail from the talking dog in defense of the prison. He found Chemical X through the prison toilet and mixed it all up. BOOM! The boys were born.


They're foils to the girls, with both similar powers and strengths. They have 5 episodes focused on them or where they appear in a major role. Those episodes are: The RowdyRuff Boys, The Boys Are Back In Town, Boy Toys, Bubble Boy, and Custody Battle

Comic Appearances: Anything Boys Can Do Squirrels Can Do Better from the Cartoon Network Action Pack magazine. Snails Away from the Cartoon Network Action Pack Magazine. Root Of All Cooties from the Cartoon Network Action Pack Magazine. Father Knows Worst from the Cartoon Network Action Pack Magazine PowerPuff Girls IDW Comic Issues #9 & #10

Video Game Appearances: Bad Mojo Jojo, Battle Him, and Paint the Townsville Green all have exclusive codes you can enter to play as the boys, rather than the girls. For Flash, there was a fairly old game called PowerPuff Girls vs RowdyRuff Boys.